Migrating from Opsgenie to Zenduty is a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the required steps. Follow the steps one after the other, and in just a few minutes, you'll be fully migrated to Zenduty!


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • You'll need an Opsgenie API key with Read and Configuration access.
  • Remove any dormant users, services, teams, and escalation policies in Opsgenie. This will streamline the migration process.

Step-by-Step Migration Guide

1. Generate API Keys

In Opsgenie:

  • Navigate to Settings → API Key Management.
  • Click on Create New API Key.
  • Assign Read and Configuration access to this API key
  • Copy and save the API key securely

In Zenduty:

  • Sign up for a Zenduty account if you haven't already: Zenduty Signup.
  • Navigate to Accounts → API Keys.
  • Click Create a new API key and copy it.

2. Migration Assistance

We have a ready-to-use migration script that simplifies the process. Book a demo - here , and we'll help you migrate from Opsgenie to Zenduty in minutes!

3. Set Environment Variables

In your terminal, navigate to the folder where the repository is cloned and set up the environment variables:

export OPSGENIEAPIKEY={your_opsgenie_api_key}
export ZENDUTYAPIKEY={your_zenduty_api_key}

4. Install Dependencies

Install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Or, if using Python 3:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

5. Migrate Users

Run the following command to migrate Opsgenie users to Zenduty:

python -c "import users; users.invite_users()"

Wait for all users to be added, and verify by checking the user count in both platforms.

Check out Zenduty vs Opsgenie – The Modern, Full-Stack Alternative for Faster Incident Response and Reliability.

6. Migrate Teams

Run the command below to migrate teams:

python -c "import teams; import asyncio; asyncio.run(teams.clone_teams())"

This will migrate all existing Opsgenie teams to Zenduty.

7. Migrate Team Members

To migrate team members, execute:

python -c "import team_members; import asyncio; asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(team_members.clone_team_members())"

All team members from Opsgenie will now be added to the respective Zenduty teams

8. Migrate Schedules

Run the following command to migrate schedules:

python -c "import schedules; import asyncio; asyncio.run(schedules.clone_schedules())"

9. Migrate Escalation Policies

Run the following command to escalation policies:

python -c "import esp; import asyncio; asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(esp.clone_esp())"

Additional Notes

  • During migration, a global team will be created in Zenduty, containing all users in the account. You can choose to delete this team later if needed.
  • Validate the migration by cross-checking data between Opsgenie and Zenduty.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly transition from Opsgenie to Zenduty, ensuring all your users, teams, and schedules are migrated efficiently. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to Zenduty support - support@zenduty.com