Hi Team,

We hope you had a great August. The last two months have been super busy for the team here at Zenduty. 

We’ve shipped some exciting upgrades to the UX of some of our trickiest features, and also incorporated a bunch of your feature requests into our recent releases. We’re also officially releasing (in beta) our first of the many AI features to come. Let’s go! 🚀 

1. AI Summariser 

Say hello to our AI Summariser, designed to provide concise summaries of incident payloads. Get the context you need to resolve incidents faster, helping you shave valuable minutes off your Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR).

Interested in giving it a spin? Sign up for the beta.

2. Slack Card Customization

Now you can tailor Slack incident messages to fit your team’s specific needs. Choose which elements—tasks, tags, communications, notes, and roles—appear in the Slack message. This helps cut through the noise, ensuring your team focuses on the most critical information during incidents.

Outgoing Webhook

3. New and Improved Alert Rules Interface

We've overhauled the Alert Rules interface for better navigation and usability. You can now effortlessly select JSON paths directly from the payload view with just one click. Plus, preview Alert Rules before integrating them into your existing workflows.

4. Maintenance Templates for Maintenance Windows

Take control during maintenance windows with our new Maintenance Templates. You can now customize which services go into maintenance mode while allowing critical incidents, such as P0/P1 priorities, to continue triggering. It’s all about keeping the noise down while staying on top of what truly matters.

5. Schedule Override for Team Members

We’ve expanded the ability to add schedule overrides beyond just team managers. Now, every team member can adjust their schedules as needed, offering more flexibility and autonomy.

6. Am I On-call?

Quickly view your current on-call status, including when your shift ends and when your next on-call period begins. See your role in escalation policies, including the number of policies where you’re a primary or secondary contact.

In other news, don’t miss the latest episode of the "Incidentally Reliable" podcast, where our CTO, Ankur Rawal, sits down with Abhishek Ghosh, who has steered SRE teams at Pinterest and now leads at Cribl. 

Abhishek shares his battle-tested approaches to reliability, diving deep into the real-world impact of incidents on businesses. He also tackles the build versus buy dilemma for tools and explores the evolving dynamic between human expertise and AI in observability. And, Abhishek offers his insights on what it takes to be a true leader in reliability.

Give it a listen!

That’s a wrap for now! We’d love to hear your thoughts on these new features.
Until next time, 

P.S. Check out our blogs and documentation for more in-depth insights. We’re always here to listen—if you have any ideas or feedback, we’d love to hear from you!