Custom Alert Routing
Route Alerts to the right people with precision
Finding and assigning the right person for an incident is crucial in incident management as it is a key factor that decides how long it will take to resolve a critical incident that can impact a customer directly. Alert rules let you create customized conditions for integration to help your alerts reach the right person always for faster remediation.

Custom Alert Routing
Zenduty’s alert rules allow users to attach multiple actions like alert type, summary, alert time, description of the alert, alert notes, and payload sent by the alert and provide flexibility in determining when a rule is applicable instead of merely matching patterns on limited fields. Additionally, alert rules also let you take custom actions like assigning a custom EP or a user to an integration.

Incident Response with Custom Alert Routing
Custom alerts just like regular alerts are sent across communication channels based on the defined escalation policy, i.e. Slack, SMS, phone call, MS Teams, Android and iOS notification to the dynamic role assignee in the defined custom alert allowing them to stay on top of the critical incidents and respond to it quickly from any given channel.

Eliminate Noisy Alerts
With Zenduty's incident response software, suppressing noisy alerts is easy. Route alerts to specific teams or subject matter experts depending on the components that are affected for specific services. Use alert rules to identify the right subject matter experts to take over critical incident responsibilities like the incident commander, comms lead, operations lead, database lead, etc