Maintenance Windows
Zenduty allows you to set up scheduled maintainance windows for multiple services at the same time. Once set up, Zenduty will not create any alerts for those services during the scheduled time.
To schedule a maintainance window, complete the following steps:
Go to the Team where you have the services that you want to schedule a maintenance for.
Click on the Maintenance tab on the left. Then, click on Add new maintenance window.
Fill in the form per your needs and select the services within the team. You can set standalone or recurring maintenance windows lasting a few minutes to a few days. In the case of recurring maintenance, don't forget to set the Repeat until date for your maintenance window.
Save to confirm.
Maintenance Templates:
If you'd like to put certain services in Maintenance Mode, but would still want to allow certain types of incidents to trigger(for instance allow P0 and P1 priority incidents to trigger and suppress all other types of incidents), you can use Maintenance Templates to construct exclusion conditions for incident suppression during maintenance windows.