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Account Settings

API Keys

API Keys allows you to manage your Zenduty account from third-party apps, enabling automation and seamless integration. Only the Account OwnerAccount Admins can create API keys.

How to create API Key

  1. Click on your profile bubble on the top-right corner and then on Account.
  2. Navigate to the API Keys tab
  3. Click on "Create API Key", and name the API Key
  4. Your API key will be generated. Please copy it and store it securely. You will not be able to see it again.

Bot Tokens

Bot Keys are linked to a bot user in your account. These keys allow automated services, scripts, or integrations to interact with Zenduty's API with predefined permissions, without being tied to a specific human user.

Building with Bot Tokens allows you to create API keys with specific permissions to view or edit incidents, teams, tasks, escalations, and more. These keys are tied to bot user and act as system-level bots, enabling secure and scoped workflows

Account Owners and Admins can create and manage System API Keys, defining granular permissions for each key

Note : This Feature is in Beta

How to create Bot Tokens

  1. Click on your profile bubble on the top-right corner and then on Account.
  2. Navigate to the API Keys tab
  3. Navigate on "Bot Tokens" and click on "Create Bot Token"
  4. Fill in the required details:
    Name: Assign a meaningful name to the API key.
    Description: Add context for its usage.
    Permissions: Select the necessary permissions for this key.
  5. And click on "Create Token"