Generic Integration Guide
Implement any application or service with Zenduty using the Generic Integration.
To integrate any Applications Webhook with Zenduty, complete the following steps:
In Zenduty:
- To add a new API integration, go to Teams on Zenduty and click on the team you want to add the integration to.
- Next, go to Services and click on the relevant Service.
- Go to Integrations and then Add New Integration. Give it a name and select the application Generic Integration from the dropdown menu.
- Go to Configure under your integrations and copy the generated Webhook URL.
In your Application/Service:
To create an alert from your application, send a post request to above copied Webhook URL.
Add post parameters by following the table below :
Name Type Default Required Example message String None Yes This becomes the incident title. summary String None No This is the incident summary. alert_type String Info Yes Choices - critical, acknowledged, resolved, error, warning, info. suppressed Boolean False No True or False entity_id String None No A unique id for the alert. If not provided, the Zenduty API will create one. payload JSON None No A JSON payload containing additional information about the alert. urls Array None No An array containing JSON schema of urls related to alerts. sla String None No Unique id of SLA. If not provided or invalid, then it will be ignored. escalation_policy Strging None No Unique id of Escalation Policy. If not provided or invalid, then it will be ignored. priority String None No Unique id of priority. If not provided or invalid, then it will be ignored. tags Array None No An array containing unqiue id of the tags. stakeholders Dict None No Dictionary containing three types of stakeholders i.e users, teams and emails. If not provided or invalid, then it will be ignored. stakeholders_comms Dict None No Dictionary containing subject, body of the stakeholder message. Also can provide timezone in which you want to convert date and time in email.
In the headers, the Content type should be set to "application/json"
Content-Type: application/json
Sample Payload for creating an incident with a critical incident
"alert_type": "critical",
"message": "This is a sample alert from API integration",
"summary": "This is the incident summary for the API integration",
"entity_id": 12345,
"payload": {
"status": "ACME Payments are failing",
"severity": "1",
"project": "kubeprod"
"urls": [
"link_url": "",
"link_text": "Alert URL"
- Detailed example of the payload structure, including optional parameters. Optional parameters can be ignored if they are not applicable to your requirements.
"alert_type": "critical",
"message": "This is info alert",
"summary": "This is the incident summary",
"entity_id": 12345,
"payload": {
"status": "ACME Payments are failing",
"severity": "1",
"project": "kubeprod"
"urls": [
"link_url": "",
"link_text": "Alert URL"
"sla": "cfb927ec-8316-4464-8770-deca07f75b49",
"escalation_policy": "272841e2-2cbf-40a8-9a9a-64227fd3d722",
"priority": "b535c8c0-7c75-4911-a9c6-27a3be2f2da9",
"stakeholders": {
"users": [
"teams": [
"emails": [
"tags": [
"stakeholders_comms": {
"subject": "New incident #12345 triggered",
"body": "We’re currently experiencing an incident affecting billing. Our team is actively working on it, and we’ll provide updates as soon as we have more information.",
"timezone": "UTC",
"created_by": "85e1569d-79a4-4205-850f-a"
The alerts are bound into incidents by their entity ID. If you'd like to resolve the exising incident, make sure to change the alert type to 'Resolved' and keep the entity ID intact.
For example, you can send the below payload to resolve the above sample incident
"alert_type": "resolved",
"message": "This is a sample alert from API integration",
"summary": "This is the incident summary for the API integration",
"entity_id": 12345,
"payload": {
"status": "ACME Payments are failing",
"severity": "1",
"project": "kubeprod"
"urls": [
"link_url": "",
"link_text": "Alert URL"
- For cURL requests:
curl -X POST <IntegrationURL> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"alert_type":"critical", "message": "This is a sample alert from API integration", "summary": "This is the incident summary for the API integration", "entity_id":"some_entity_id", "urls":[{"link_url": "","link_text": "Alert URL"}]}'
- Response Status Codes are as below
- 200 OK: Message has passed the basic check and sent for further - processing.
- 400 Bad Request: Incorrect payload.
- 404 Not Found: Invalid integration key or Integration is disabled.
- Sample Payload for 200 OK Response
"message": "success",
"trace_id": "cadfe35f-e3b1-4175-b118-a595bff9a214"
Status of an alert can be fetched using trace_id from the above response.
To get the status of an alert, use the following API endpoint:<trace_id>/
For a more detailed explanation of response schema, click here.
The status of an alert can be one of the following: queued, failed, completed.
Sample Payloads for Status Endpoint
"status": "queued"
"incident_number": 2524,
"unique_id": "cNasg9C4yzNpronzUUUdKR"
"alert": "U239RyRi7rySuJKb3FcKXE",
"name": "Generic"
"status": "completed",
"is_incident_created": false,
"suppressed": false
"status": "failed",
"error": "Your service is under maintenance"
- Example of Alert Status Tracking Request
curl -L '<trace_id>/'
Example Python Script for reference:
This script helps in getting incident details for references or modification of the incident in zenduty.
import requests
import time
# generic integration
# Example integration_webhook = ""
integration_webhook = "<PASTE WEBHOOK URL>"
# api token with relevent permission
api_token = "<PASTE API TOKEN>"
data = {
"alert_type": "critical",
"message": "This is a sample alert from API integration",
"summary": "This is the incident summary for the API integration",
"entity_id": 12345,
"payload": {
"status": "ACME Payments are failing",
"severity": "1",
"project": "kubeprod"
"urls": [
"link_url": "",
"link_text": "Alert URL"
# send alert to generic integration
response =, json = data)
if response.status_code > 202:
raise Exception("Something went wrong")
response = response.json()
# Poll the alert status endpoint until you get the status key in response
alert_status_response = {}
alert_status_response["status"] = "queued"
# alert_status_response["status"] can only be queued, failed, completed
while response['trace_id'] and alert_status_response["status"] not in ["failed", "completed"]:
alert_status_response = requests.get(url = f"{response['trace_id']}/")
alert_status_response = alert_status_response.json()
# once you get the status as "success" then, in the payload you will find "is_incident_created", if it is true, that means new incident got created from the above alert
if alert_status_response["status"] == "completed" and alert_status_response["is_incident_created"]:
headers = {"Authorization": f"Token {api_token}"}
incident_response = requests.get(url=f"{alert_status_response['incident']['unique_id']}/", headers = headers)
Custom mapping
Custom Mapping enables you to transform any incoming payload into a format that Zenduty can process. This means that you can integrate with any tool or service, even if it doesn't have a native integration with Zenduty. With Custom Mapping, you can define how the data from your tools should be interpreted by Zenduty, enabling seamless alert and incident creation.
Note: If you are currently using the generic format with our predefined payload and plan to switch to custom mapping, please ensure that you update your existing alert rules to align with the new configuration.
Note: To test, set the message to any value and inspect the resulting payload using the payload picker. Once the testing is complete, configure the generic settings and define the alert rules as needed.
Direct Mapping:
Note: Message key is always required
- You can now assign any value or select a key from your payload to define the values for our formatted payload fields, including message, summary, and entityid.
- For the alert type, you need to select a key from your payload. The value of that key in your payload will determine the alert type in Zenduty.
Note: If you set the entity ID using a value or key from your payload, and the value of that key remains constant, no new incidents will be created for new alerts. Instead, new alerts will be appended to the existing incident associated with that entity ID.
Example Payload:
"title": "test",
"alert_type": "error",
"description": "description",
"url": "",
"id": 11,
"status": "Open"
The payload will appear as shown below in the payload picker:
Conditional Mapping:
With dynamic payloads, you can now assign multiple values to your keys using conditional logic. This provides greater flexibility to accommodate varying payload structures.
Note: Keep in mind that if you set multiple blocks, they will execute sequentially, line by line. This means values may be overridden. For instance, if you define a message in the first block and again in the second block, and both blocks are satisfied, the message from the second block will take precedence.
Note: If you configure both alert rules and generic settings for the same key in the formatted payload (e.g., summary, message, entityid, or alert type), the alert rules will take precedence and determine the outcome.
Impact on Alert Rules
Enabling Custom Value Mapping will change how payloads are processed, which could affect your existing alert rules. Any rules referencing payload keys (e.g., {{payload.source}}) must now use the updated format: {{payload.payload.source}}.
Payload before :
"severity": "high",
"environment": "production",
"application": "Backend Service",
"original_entity_id": "0eeff2bf-3d62-4da4-aacd-5994bfd1",
"details": {
"threshold_exceeded": true,
"process_id": "12345",
"memory_usage_mb": "1024"
"source": "web_server_1",
"email": "",
"username": "muzan_kibutsuji",
"timestamp": "2025-01-28T12:45:00Z"
Payload after:
"payload": {
"severity": "high",
"environment": "production",
"application": "Backend Service",
"details": {
"threshold_exceeded": true,
"process_id": "12345",
"memory_usage_mb": "1024"
"source": "web_server_1",
"email": "",
"username": "muzan_kibutsuji",
"timestamp": "2025-01-28T12:45:00Z"
"description": "High memory usage detected on production web server. Immediate investigation is required to avoid potential outages.",
"id": "b27e3f9c-8a54-4d2b-a6f6-d0f2c8c7b9f4",
"title": "Memory Leak Detected",
"message": "A memory leak has been identified on the web application.",
"alert_type": "critical",
"url": "",
"status": "open"
Old Alert rules:
Updated alert rules: