Mattermost Integration Guide
Mattermost is a secure, open source platform for communication, collaboration, and workflow orchestration across tools and teams.
With the Zenduty integration, you will be able to receive context notifications about new code pushes, pull requests, issues and issue comments. New issues will trigger a new incident.
To integrate Mattermost with Zenduty, complete the following steps:
In Zenduty:
To add a new Mattermost integration, go to Teams on Zenduty and click on the team you want to add the integration to.
Next, go to Services and click on the relevant Service.
Go to Integrations and then Add New Outgoing Integration. Give it a name and select the application Mattermost from the dropdown menu.
Proceed to configure your Mattermost outgoing integration.
In Mattermost:
Log in to Mattermost and head to Integrations.
Create a Incoming Webhook with the Title and description of your choice. Also select the default channel for which the Alert message should be sent to.
Copy the Generated URL and switch back to Zenduty.
Back in Zenduty:
In the Mattermost URL input box, paste the generated URL you copied earlier.
Under Mattermost Channel Name select the channel that you want to send the alert to, or leave it blank to send the alert to the default channel (Which was set earlier).
Test the Mattermost integration and proceed by saving the Mattermost configuration.
Zenduty is now integrated with Mattermost.