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Account Settings

Other Account-level Customizations

Customize your Zenduty account further with these account-level settings

Allow Team Managers to Invite New Users

Enable this setting to allow team managers to invite new external users to a team.

If disabled, team managers can only add existing users.

Allow Incident Deletion

Enable this setting to allow the relevant incident's team manager, account admin or owner to delete incidents.

Allow Team Managers to Regenerate Integration Keys

Enable this setting to allow team managers to regenerate integration keys.

Customize Slack Bot

Users can customize the details displayed in the Slack Bot notifications according to their preferences. To do so, navigate to Account -> Slack and adjust the bot message as needed.

Customizing the Message Across the Zenduty Account:

To apply custom Slack bot messages across the entire Zenduty account, go to Default Slack Card -> Customize. Then, select 'New Slack Card' and choose the details you'd like included in the message.

Customizing the Message for Specific Teams:

For team-specific customization, click on Create Custom Slack Card. Select the relevant teams and the details to be added to the card, then save it with a descriptive name.