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Zoom Integration Guide

Zoom offers communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration.

What can Zenduty do for Zoom users?

With the Zenduty integration, you will be able to create meetings links for the incidents that were created. Allowing for easy triaging of the incident on the fly.

To integrate Zoom with Zenduty, complete the following steps:

In Zenduty:

  1. To add a new Zoom integration, go to Teams on Zenduty and click on the team you want to add the integration to.

  2. Next, go to Services and click on the relevant Service.

  3. Go to Outgoing Integrations and then Add New Outgoing Integration. Give it a name and select the application Zoom Meetings from the dropdown menu.

  4. Go to Configure under your Outgoing Integrations.

  5. Insert the Email to which your Zoom Account is linked to (For verification Purposes)

  6. Next, Click Integrate Zoom to proceed with OAuth integration.

In Zoom:

  1. Log in to your Zoom account.

  2. Click on Authorize App to allow for Zoom to be integrated. You will be redirected back to Zenduty.

  3. Zoom is now integrated.

How to remove/delete your integration

  1. Navigate to your Service page.

  2. In the Outgoing Integrations section, click on the delete(trash) button next to your Zoom outgoing integration

  3. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.

  4. Click Manage > Added Apps or search for the Zenduty app.

  5. Click the Zenduty app.

  6. Click on Remove


  1. Once your Zoom outgoing integration is configured, Zenduty will automatically create a Zoom meeting URL for every incident triggered within the service

  2. The meeting link can be found within the Comms section of the incident across the Web, Android, iOS, Slack and Microsoft Teams apps

  3. This Zoom link can be used as an incident war room wherein you can collaborate with your incident responders and stakeholders

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